π’π¨π¦πžπ­π’π¦πžπ¬ – 𝐭𝐑𝐞 𝐜𝐑𝐚𝐨𝐬 π°π’𝐭𝐑𝐒𝐧!

It is Sunday eve. Weekend plans are off because of an ankle that decided to twist itself too early for me to call myself a good badminton player. Seating on my beanbag, laptop in my lap – I open a doc with the intention to write. But the words aren’t flowing in – for theContinue reading “π’π¨π¦πžπ­π’π¦πžπ¬ – 𝐭𝐑𝐞 𝐜𝐑𝐚𝐨𝐬 π°π’𝐭𝐑𝐒𝐧!”

The portal of truth – knowing your ‘it’!

“So what are you exactly looking for?” A pair of half-slept eyes and sheepish smile had a box of questions today. While the playful conversation of her hands with his hair was keeping the moment casual, but in light of the candle on the table, the topic had the depth of the shadow for sure.Continue reading “The portal of truth – knowing your ‘it’!”

A box full of memories!

Returning hometown, especially to an Indian home, has its own advantages – you get stuffed to the neck with delicious, homecooked food; bed feels warmer with your old blanket, and sleep is peaceful after the ‘champi’ (head-massage) by your mom; the nature smells divine as the pollution is nowhere to find; and friends that areContinue reading “A box full of memories!”

Two broken hearts :) (:

Two broken hearts,oh, they’ve been squeezed so hard,by the hands of the destiny? yes, maybe,and yet they parade the streets,marching on the tune only they understand,it’s a way to the dreamland! Two sets of eyes, both spectacled,and yet spectacularly readable,sometimes the pearls of sadness, not so frequent on the shore,sometimes the awkward glances, and yetContinue reading “Two broken hearts πŸ™‚ (:”

There is a path I see!

(Inspired by the magical land of Scotland, where the nature leaves no stone unturned to mesmerize you!) As I pull my jacket closer,and touch my numb face,with my cold hand, braving against the wind,there is a path I see! There is a path I see,half-lit by the lamps from the houses,where the sons of seaContinue reading “There is a path I see!”

Letter from a ghost!

A cold night, a warm black hoodie, hands in the pockets, and headphones in the ears. Eyes half-closed, as steps, blindly followed the usual route on the tune of “Perfect“. Serene streets, misty air, and not even a single living entity insight. It was just another midnight walk, on my favorite streets of IIM Bangalore.Continue reading “Letter from a ghost!”


“I am really tired of your any-time-reading habit now.” His anger was indeed genuine for his co-passenger. She would always carry a book or two in her purse, and open them at every opportune moment. Order a coffee – and start reading. Catch a flight – and start turning some pages. 10 extra minutes toContinue reading “Bookmarks!”

Making it work!!

β€œYou what’s the problem of your generation?” He looked at his boss with as polite cold eyes he could, as he slowly stirred the his black coffee – something he needed desperately after a sleepless night. The presentation was in about an hour, and he wasn’t in for a generation-gap lecture before it. β€œYou liveContinue reading “Making it work!!”

Free fall!

“You know what, I am tired of your excuses now!” She was looking at him with an intensity unknown to him. She was furious. The devil was dancing on her face, and the tune was vibrating through her cheekbones. “What excuses?” He tried to play dumb, but he knew what she was going to jumpContinue reading “Free fall!”


Love, well its very difficult to understand it, and yet so simple to define – its just the best drug out there! When you are standing on the sidelines, you feel it’s a stupid game, you just don’t understand the rules; oh sure, you’ll cheer for a goal, but you also laugh at the wildContinue reading “Addiction”